Learn how to get involved with Beer Drinkin


Free beer for your first merged PR

As a huge thankful for helping out on the project, I'll send you a crate of special beers for your first merged PR.

No limit to how big or small the PR should be, it could be a documentation correction, bug fix or a new feature.

Beer Drinkin is open-source and will always remain open.

There are many ways for you to get involved with the project with tasks in all areas of app development from design, implementation and marketing. Below are just a couple of ways you can lend a hand!

Todo items

Ordered in terms of priority.

If you've experience in any of the areas below and want to get involved then please feel free to get in touch!

Task NameStatusOwner
ASP.NET BackendWIPMike James
Xamarin.iOS TraditionalWIPMike James
Xamarin.Android Traditional
WebsiteWIPMike James
DesignWIPMike James

Submit ideas

We want to hear any and all ideas that you have for potential new features. Browse through the current issues on Github and see what other users and developers are interested in or submit your very own. Interested in helping work on a new feature? Simply log an issue that outlines the new feature and create a branch.

Help with the Client apps


The iOS app is the most feature complete to date as its my preferred platform to develop for. If you're interested in helping but don't know where to get started then check out the open issues on Github as well the design documentation.


Not yet started.


Not yet started.